Human Biology and Health

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The Human Biology and Health degree at Aberystwyth University has been developed to reflect the diverse expertise and research activity of our staff in the areas of biological sciences, and sport and exercise science to provide you with a detailed understanding of the main conditions that influence human health in the 21st century.

On this degree, you will study a range of biological disciplines including physiology, microbiology, immunology and genetics. You will couple these with the study of human biomechanics and psychology, gaining an appreciation of how diet, alongside physical activity and regular exercise, plays a significant role in maintaining health and well-being.

This unique blend of subject matter will ensure that you have a multidisciplinary understanding of human health, including behaviour and lifestyle change.

This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Biology.

Course Overview

Why study Human and Health Biology at Aberystwyth University?

Students on this course will be able to explore the specialist areas of Human and Health Biology which include:

  • Facilities for high-throughput DNA sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics and spectroscopic platforms;
  • Application of psychology to understand the process of behaviour change and its relevance to delay the development of chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer;
  • Our modern physiological, biomechanical and psychological equipment including body scanning for bone health and body composition determination, cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic analysers, high-performance treadmills, cycles and rowers, along with computer-based digital video and a force plate to allow sophisticated analysis of movement;
  • You will be taught by passionate, engaged, friendly and staff with expertise across the full range of Biological topics;
  • Your academic studies will be bolstered by a wealth of laboratory and field classes which build real scientific skills essential for your future;
  • Our teaching and E-learning facilities provide you with an outstanding learning experience integrating the classroom sessions and a vast repository of study resources;
  • You will be assigned a personal tutor who can guide you through your time at Aberystwyth and help you to settle in when you first arrive;
  • We have invested heavily and over a number of years in our research facilities, and project students may get the opportunity to work in the research units on Penglais, or in our dedicated research facility at Gogerddan just outside Aberystwyth.
Our Staff

The majority of teaching staff in the Department of Life Sciences are qualified to PhD level and are research active. Vocational courses also have staff whose background lies within industry. The Department has a large number of research only staff with whom students may have contact.

Modules September start - 2024

Please note: The modules listed below are those currently intended for delivery during the next academic year and may be subject to change. They are included here to give an indication of how the course is structured.


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Immunology BR22220 20
Research Methods * BR27520 20
Sport & Exercise Physiology BR27420 20


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Applied Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics BR20620 20
Cell and Cancer Biology BR25920 20
One Health Microbiology BR26520 20
Physical Activity for Health BR27020 20
Practical and Professional Skills in Microbiology BR24720 20
Proteins and Enzymes BR26620 20
Sport and Exercise Nutrition BR22520 20


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Research Project * BR36440 40


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Applied Sports Nutrition BR30920 20
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics BR37120 20
Injury and Rehabilitation BR32020 20
Microbial Pathogenesis BR33720 20
Molecular Biology of Development BR36020 20
Molecular Pharmacology BR36120 20
Parasitology BR33820 20
Technological advances in sport, exercise and health BR37420 20
Training and Performance Enhancement BR34420 20

* Also available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh


Career prospects

Human Biology and Health graduates will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to enter a wide range of careers which include: 

  • Bio-medicine
  • Health and allied professions

This scheme is also a solid foundation for postgraduate research at Masters and PhD level.

The University has an excellent Careers Advisory Service and we have our own dedicated, professional Careers Advisor. We also have a member of staff who is Director of Employability for IBERS and we are constantly striving to embed and enhance the delivery of real-world skills into every module we offer.

What skill will I develop from studying Human and Health Biology?

Employability is embedded in our teaching. Our students leave Aberystwyth University with the skills including; 

  • research and data analysis skills
  • enhanced mathematical and computational skills
  • effective problem-solving and creative thinking skills
  • a thorough grounding in information technology skills
  • the ability to work independently
  • time-management and organisational skills, including the ability to meet deadlines
  • the ability to express ideas and communicate information in a clear and structured manner, in both written and oral form
  • self-motivation and self-reliance
  • team-working, with the ability to discuss concepts in groups, accommodating different ideas and reaching agreement.

If you are interested in undertaking work experience, then our sister course BSc Human and Health Biology C195 will allow you to undertake work experience for one year in an industry relative to this degree.

Teaching & Learning

What will I learn? 

The breakdown below will provide you with an illustration of what you may study during the three year degree scheme.

In your first year: 

Students are taught the important content which underpin human biology and health, which will provide a sound foundation on which year 2 and 3 can be built upon. Topics may include: 

  • Exercise psychology
  • Genetics
  • Metabolism
  • Exercise physiology
  • Human anatomy
  • Nutrition
  • Microbial diversity

In your second year:

  • Students study research methods
  • Exercise physiology
  • Immunology 
  • Students can look at health from the perspective of improving health and performance
  • Sport injury
  • Microbiology
  • Proteins and enzymes
  • You may also learn the practical methods for exploring these topics independently.

In your third year:

You will undertake an independent project as well as being taught:

  • Molecular pharmacology 
  • Managing chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity 

Various optional modules are also available to suit the interests of the student.

How will I be taught?

We teach our students in through lectures, workshops, tutorials and practicals.

You will be assigned a personal tutor throughout your degree course, who will help you with any problems or queries.

We assess our students through:

  • Exams
  • Essays
  • Practical exercises
  • Oral presentations
  • Reports
  • Statistical exercises
  • Dossiers
  • Portfolios
  • Wikis
  • Reflective diaries
  • Literature reviews
  • Magazine articles

Typical Entry Requirements

UCAS Tariff 120 - 104

A Levels BBB-BCC with B in Biology

GCSE requirements (minimum grade C/4):
English or Welsh, Science and Mathematics

BTEC National Diploma:
DDD-DDM in a specified subject

International Baccalaureate:
30-28 with 5 points in Biology at Higher Level

European Baccalaureate:
75%-65% overall with 7 in Biology

English Language Requirements:
See our Undergraduate English Language Requirements for this course. Pre-sessional English Programmes are also available for students who do not meet our English Language Requirements.

Country Specific Entry Requirements:
International students whose qualification is not listed on this page, can check our Country Specific Entry Requirements for further information.

The University welcomes undergraduate applications from students studying the Access to Higher Education Diploma or T-level qualifications, provided that relevant subject content and learning outcomes are met. We are not able to accept Access to Higher Education Diplomas or T-levels as a general qualification for every undergraduate degree course.
Our inclusive admissions policy values breadth as well as depth of study. Applicants are selected on their own individual merits and offers can vary. If you would like to check the eligibility of your qualifications before submitting an application, please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for advice and guidance.

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