The Education degree at Aberystwyth University enables you to explore the development of children and adolescents, covering issues which are central to an understanding of educational systems. Our course aims to excite and stimulate you through the study of curriculum design and educational policy, with further insight into the disciplines of sociology, psychology and linguistics. A particular focus includes supporting learners throughout the education system.
The study of education involves aspects of psychology, sociology, politics and history. It delves into how people learn, how their surroundings influence their learning, how decision-making happens and how our understanding of learning and teaching has developed over the years. Observational placements available during the degree will also help you to see the theory in practice and a particular focus includes supporting learners throughout the education system.
An Education degree is an ideal basis for work in industry, policy or the charitable sector, or for entry to Primary PGCE teacher education programmes. Degrees with other subjects may qualify you for Secondary PGCE courses.
Course Overview
Why study in the School of Education at Aberystwyth University?
The School of Education has been offering stimulating and innovative study programmes for over 100 years.
Research-led teaching informs our syllabus, which means that you will benefit from the very latest information and developments in the subject, enabling you to critically engage with the key issues.
You will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of the complex body of knowledge associated with Education.
We will empower you to critically reflect on and manage your own learning and performance.
We will provide you with an opportunity to acquire employability skills and personal attributes and values that are necessary for employment, training or further education.
Our Staff
Undergraduate lecturers in the School of Education are either qualified to PhD standard or are experienced practitioners in their field. All teaching staff currently possess, or are working towards, a recognised teaching qualification.
About this course
In order to undertake some of the modules for this degree, it may be necessary for you to obtain a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enhanced check through the School of Education at a cost of about £40. In some circumstances, especially if you’ve lived outside of the UK for a period of time, the cost may be higher.
Employability is at the core of this degree. The School of Education has a well-established connection with the University Careers Service, where a dedicated adviser with experience in the educational field can provide advice from the beginning of your first year. On graduation you will be able to apply for a PGCE in Primary Education. An Education degree with other subjects may qualify you for Secondary PGCE courses.
Other graduates from the School of Education have explored careers in:
social care
speech therapy
social work
child welfare
play therapy
the leisure industry
child law
childhood research.
What work experience opportunities are available to me while I study?