Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Code GH76 Attend an Open Day Attend an Open Day

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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, at Aberystwyth University, involves the development of artificial systems, and is becoming increasingly relevant in commercial and domestic life.

Examples of current and emerging artificial systems include home robots (for entertainment or assisting those with special needs), supply chain management systems, robots used in medical practice, robots in space, on land and at sea.

Researchers from Aberystwyth have been active in all these areas. You will grasp the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, in a supportive learning environment.

Course Overview

Why study Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at Aberystwyth?

  • Employability is embedded in the structure of this degree.
  • You will have access to mobile and aerial robots, vision and motion tracking systems, micro controller systems and laser scanners.
  • You will have access to dedicated Linux, Mac OS X laboratories and central servers.
  • You will be taught by lecturers who have close links with the industry and software engineering conferences.
  • You will have access to robotic equipment including Arduinos, mobile robots and sailing robots.
Our Staff

Almost all of the Department of Computer Science lecturers are qualified to PhD level, and those who are not have considerable research or industrial experience. All new lecturers are required to obtain the PGCTHE, and hence are Senior Fellows or Fellows of the Higher Education Academy. The department also employs a number of part time demonstrators and tutors and some student demonstrators, who are selected from our undergraduate and postgraduate students. Research fellows and research assistants (mostly PhD qualified) may also be involved in delivering occasional teaching when it is appropriate.

Modules September start - 2025

Please note: The modules listed below are those currently intended for delivery during the next academic year and may be subject to change. They are included here to give an indication of how the course is structured.


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Algorithm Design and Data Structures * CS21120 20
Artificial Intelligence CS26520 20
C and C++ CS23820 20
Modelling Persistent Data * CS27020 20
Robotics and Embedded Systems CS26020 20
Software Engineering * CS22120 20


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Major Project * CS39440 40
Professional Issues in the Computing Industry * CS38220 20
Robotic Applications CS36010 10
Space Robotics CS36510 10
Fundamentals of Machine Learning CS36110 10
Machine Learning CS36220 20

* Also available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh


Our degree prepares you for a variety of careers:

  • software design
  • communications and networking
  • computer applications
  • web development
  • IT consultancy and management
  • systems analysis and development
  • education.

What skills do I acquire from this degree?

Employability skills are the core values of our degree.

Your year in industry:

 Completing a year in industry will allow you to:

  • apply the learning from your course to the work environment
  • make industry contacts
  • develop practical skills related to your area of study
  • apply your practical skills and technical knowledge after returning to study
  • enhance your CV and better prepare yourself for a job after graduating.

As part of your degree you will be required to take part in a first year residential weekend where you and other students will have work in teams to solve problems.

This activity will encourage and improve:

  • communication skills
  • analytical skills
  • time management
  • working independently and as part of a team
  • organisation skills
  • implementation skills
  • research skills
  • technical skills

Interested in a work placement?

If you are keen to obtain a Year in Industry, then you can switch to our degree scheme GH7P. This scheme is the same as GH76, but we give you an additional year to spend in Industry.

Teaching & Learning

What will I learn?

The breakdown below will provide you with an illustration of what you may study during the three year degree scheme.

In your first year you may be introduced to:

  • programming
  • computer infrastructure
  • web development
  • problems + solutions.

In your second year you may discover:

  • C and C++ and environments
  • software development lifecycle (This module will allow you to take a role which exists in the industry i.e. project manager, designer etc, you will be required to produce a working software product, following best current industrial practice at every stage.)
  • robotics and embedded systems
  • artificial intelligence
  • data structures and algorithms.

In your final year, you may undertake:

  • ubiquitous computing
  • machine learning
  • space robotics
  • professional issues in the computing industry
  • an individual project, where you will develop a piece of software in an area of particular interest to you
  • a range of further electives to specialise in areas of your choice.

Your personal tutor

Throughout your time in Aberystwyth, you will have the chance to meet regularly with a personal tutor, who can provide assistance with any difficulties you might have with the degree or with university life.

Student Testimonials

Your degree will provide you with a range of skills and experiences that will equip you for the world of employment. Alongside the skills necessary for most typical jobs in the software industry, your degree will give you an advantage in fields such as intelligent robotic design and programming, medical robotics, industrial robotics requiring a degree of artificial intelligence, and programming of softbot applications for commercial problems. In addition, you will acquire transferable skills, such as communication and problem-solving abilities, needed for success in a wider range of careers. The Department also provides you with a number of opportunities to improve your employability. The first year activity weekend will help you to develop your problem-solving and team-building skills, and the second year careers event will provide guidance on how to write a CV and give presentations, and there will be the opportunity to hold mock-interviews with people in the software industry. Throughout your degree there will be a number of lectures given by the Careers Advisory Service, on topics including psychometric tests, writing a CV, and giving presentations. In addition, the Personal Development Portfolio, a process of reflection, self-appraisal and planning for the future, will help you to track your progress throughout the degree, and will help you to decide which career or mode of further study will be suitable for you in the future.

Typical Entry Requirements

UCAS Tariff 120 - 96

A Levels BBB-CCC

GCSE requirements (minimum grade C/4):
English or Welsh and Mathematics

BTEC National Diploma:

International Baccalaureate:

European Baccalaureate:
75%-65% overall

English Language Requirements:
See our Undergraduate English Language Requirements for this course. Pre-sessional English Programmes are also available for students who do not meet our English Language Requirements.

Country Specific Entry Requirements:
International students whose qualification is not listed on this page, can check our Country Specific Entry Requirements for further information.

The University welcomes undergraduate applications from students studying the Access to Higher Education Diploma or T-level qualifications, provided that relevant subject content and learning outcomes are met. We are not able to accept Access to Higher Education Diplomas or T-levels as a general qualification for every undergraduate degree course.
Our inclusive admissions policy values breadth as well as depth of study. Applicants are selected on their own individual merits and offers can vary. If you would like to check the eligibility of your qualifications before submitting an application, please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for advice and guidance.

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