Agriculture (with integrated year in industry)

Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) Code D401 Attend an Open Day Attend an Open Day

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Modern agriculture is faced with the task of feeding an increasing global population against a backdrop of dwindling resources, the need to protect the environment, and the need to cope with, and mitigate against, climate change. At the same time, agriculture faces new priorities closer to home as the UK redefines its relationship with Europe. The BSc Agriculture degree with integrated year in industry at Aberystwyth University will equip you to tackle these challenges covering all aspects of agriculture and agricultural production systems, and developing a detailed understanding of the changing farming landscape. Your industrial year will equip you with additional insight, knowledge and practical experience of working in the modern agricultural sector, which will give you a competitive edge in the jobs market on graduation. 

Course Overview

BSc Agriculture with integrated year in industry offers you detailed coverage of agriculture and agricultural production systems, alongside a range of vitally important subjects such as sustainability, environmental management and technology. It will provide you with the practical and theoretical understanding needed to manage a sustainable business, and will be ready to adopt best practices, informed by current research, to tackle the challenges of livestock and crop management and get the best from your agricultural business.  

The taught component of the Agriculture with integrated year in industry course (D401) is identical to its three-year sister course BSc Agriculture (H21Y). The year in industry is taken in your third year, is supervised and assessed, and will count towards your degree grade. During your year in industry, you will pay a discounted tuition fee. 

You will study a fascinating blend of science, technology and management with a firm grounding in animal and crop physiology and husbandry as well as business, economics and land use. You will move on to cover current and projected production systems from a production, financial and environmental perspective, be exposed to best practice and become familiar with the most current research.  

You will also become familiar with the role of the Farm Business Survey in comparative analysis and benchmarking - a tool which will be invaluable in your future employment situation, allowing you to compare your farm’s performance and profitability to other farms in the UK and EU.   

Aberystwyth is surrounded by a great diversity of farmland and agricultural terrain. The 800 hectare commercially managed university farms provide the setting for your practical learning. This is supplemented by field visits to farms and agricultural and food businesses throughout the UK that are industry leaders in innovation and technical expertise, which will reinforce your academic learning. 

Our Staff

The majority of teaching staff in the Department of Life Sciences are qualified to PhD level and are research active. Vocational courses also have staff whose background lies within industry. The Department has a large number of research only staff with whom students may have contact.

Modules September start - 2025

Please note: The modules listed below are those currently intended for delivery during the next academic year and may be subject to change. They are included here to give an indication of how the course is structured.


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Integrated Year in Industry BRS0060 60


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Advances in Agriculture * BR39920 20
Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management BR31620 20
Agricultural Research Project BR32620 20
Critical Review BR36320 20
Research Project * BR36440 40


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Advances in Crop and Grassland Production BR37220 20
Livestock Production Science BR30820 20
Marketing and Small Business Management BR34720 20
Sustainable Land Management BR30420 20

* Also available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh


Your BSc in Agriculture with integrated year in industry opens up a range of exciting opportunities for employment and further training. You will be a strong candidate for work as an agricultural consultant, farm manager, agronomist and animal nutritionist, and a wide range of roles in the ancillary industries and with government and local authorities. Throughout your training you will develop a wealth of skills that can be easily transferred into almost any graduate or professional employment situation. 

Completing a year in industry will allow you to: 

  • apply the learning from your course to the work environment 
  • make valuable industry contacts 
  • develop practical skills related to your area of study 
  • enrich your final year of studies with an enhanced appreciation of its applicability to your career 
  • greatly enhance your CV and increase your prospects of success in the job market. 

Please note that we do not have automatic work placements for every applicant. You will be responsible for securing your own work experience placement with the support of our dedicated Year in Industry Coordinator and careers advisor to maximise your chances of success. If you are unsuccessful, you will be able to convert your course to the three-year version of the BSc Agriculture degree. 

Teaching & Learning

What will I learn? 

In the first year you will be introduced to the technologies that are increasingly being developed for and adopted by the agricultural industry. You will investigate the factors that influence land use and explore the primary resources required to operate a rural business. You will gain useful business management skills, including the preparation of farm budgets and the analysis of commodity markets. 

In the second year you will study the impact of agriculture and food supply systems on the environment. You will examine British livestock industries, crop production systems and strategies, and will learn how to analyse, budget and appraise a farm business. 

In the third year, you will undertake your work experience placement in an industry related to agriculture.  

In your final year you will explore the way in which research is used to develop more efficient animal production systems. You will consider agriculture and agricultural issues from a range of specific, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives and gain an understanding of the relationship between policy, socio-economic factors, agricultural practices and the rural economy.

Visits to farms, research stations, rural businesses and organisations involved in the regulation and management of the countryside are an integral part of the course and will highlight the key issues at stake and enable you to see the practical business applications of your theoretical and academic learning. 

How will I be taught? 

This course will be delivered through a programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and field visits. You will have numerous opportunities to apply your academic learning in practical activities and workshops. 


You will be assessed through a range of methods including essays, practical exercises, oral presentations, worksheets, reports, statistical exercises, business plans, literature reviews, field notebooks and exams. A research project in your final year will allow you to perform in-depth research under the guidance of a supervisor. Your project may be based on laboratory experiments or fieldwork exercises, comprise a computer modelling exercise, or involve data analysis. 

Student Testimonials

The Agriculture course (D401) has a great mix of modules which has opened my eyes to many other aspects of agriculture. The information given in lectures on important subjects is usually simple but thorough which makes work easy to both understand and remember. Farm visits are also enjoyable as it gives you a chance to observe and understand different systems. It's also interesting to hear the views of the farmers and the different ways they implement systems to suit their business. Aled Rhys Lewis

What do I love about Agriculture at Aberystwyth University? The people - students from a wide range of backgrounds, all getting together, sharing experiences and learning together; lecturers with a passion for their subject, who are down to earth and approachable. The place - the green hills, quiet woods, impressive views, and the sea. The course - learning about a topic which is foundational to society; stretching my mind with new knowledge, and shivering out in freezing farmyards (yes, even that has a kind of pleasure to it!). That's what I love about agriculture here. Benjamin David Latham

Typical Entry Requirements

UCAS Tariff 120 - 96

A Levels BBB-CCC

GCSE requirements (minimum grade C/4):
English or Welsh, Science and Mathematics

BTEC National Diploma:

International Baccalaureate:

European Baccalaureate:

English Language Requirements:
See our Undergraduate English Language Requirements for this course. Pre-sessional English Programmes are also available for students who do not meet our English Language Requirements.

Country Specific Entry Requirements:
International students whose qualification is not listed on this page, can check our Country Specific Entry Requirements for further information.

The University welcomes undergraduate applications from students studying the Access to Higher Education Diploma or T-level qualifications, provided that relevant subject content and learning outcomes are met. We are not able to accept Access to Higher Education Diplomas or T-levels as a general qualification for every undergraduate degree course.
Our inclusive admissions policy values breadth as well as depth of study. Applicants are selected on their own individual merits and offers can vary. If you would like to check the eligibility of your qualifications before submitting an application, please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office for advice and guidance.

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