Qualification: Masters of Philosophy (MPhil)
Every course at Aberystwyth University is designed to enhance your vocational and general employability. Your MPhil will place you in the jobs market as a highly-trained international politics specialist with an in depth knowledge of your chosen subject. You will also graduate with a wealth of postgraduate-level skills which are transferable into any workplace. If you opt to take the research training modules, you will also develop advanced skills in quantitative and qualitative research skills and data analysis In addition, the prestige of the Masters in Philosophy (MPhil) from the Department of International Politics will open doors for you into workplaces in every industry.
Study Skills
Alongside the wealth of world-class critical expertise, you will master highly desirable skills in academic research, analysis, argument-formation, presentation and debate. The research training options provide you with a specific set of study skills focused on interrogating and analysing a range of different types of data from multiple sources. You will also prove your abilities in reflection and self-improvement; you will be able to identify your academic weaknesses and remove them whilst building on your strengths.
Self-Motivation and discipline
Studying for an MPhil requires a great deal of discipline and self-motivation from every candidate. You will have access to the expertise and helpful guidance of departmental staff, but you are ultimately responsible for devising and completing a sustained programme of scholarly research and writing in pursuit of your MPhil degree. This process of independent study at an extremely high level will strengthen your skills as an independent and self-sufficient worker, a trait prized by most employers.
Transferable Skills
The MPhil programme is designed to give you a range of transferable skills that you can apply in a variety of employment contexts. Upon graduation, you will have proven your abilities in structuring and communicating ideas efficiently, writing for and speaking to a range of audiences, evaluating and organizing information, working effectively with others and working within time frames and to specific deadlines. If you take the research training options you will also have advanced skills in data analysis that can be applied in a wide variety of work environments from business to the public sector and non-governmental organisations.