

You are viewing this course for May start 2025

The Bioinnovation Professional Doctorate is focused upon enhancing circularity and sustainability in food and other bio-based business, from production, through to processing and supply chains. The aim of the Professional Doctorate is to offer a qualification which, whilst being equivalent in status and challenge to a PhD, is more appropriate to those pursuing a professional rather than academic career.

Typical Entry Requirements

Course Overview

Part I of the doctoral route comprises three taught modules (including Research Methods) followed by a 120 credit dissertation (20,000 words or a 5000 word publishable article). This part will typically take 3 years.

Part II is undertaken for a minimum of three years and comprises a longer thesis (up to 60,000 words). It will involve experimentation and must embody the methodology and results of original research. It should, ideally, build upon the Part I dissertation. 


Part I


  • BDM1120 - Sustainable Supply Systems
  • BDM1220 - Waste Resource Management
  • BDM1320 - Future of Packaging
  • BDM1920 - Public Goods
  • BDM5920 - Livestock Health and Welfare
  • BDM6220 - Controlled Environment Agriculture
  • BDM6320 - Life Cycle Assessment and Beyond
  • BDM6420 - Precision Livestock
  • BDM7720 - Biorefining Technologies
  • BDM8720 - Meat Processing
  • BDM8820 - Behaviour Change
  • EGA400 - Membrane Filtration Tech (Swansea Module)
  • EGAM00 – Fermentation for Food applications (Swansea Module)


Part II

The compulsory Research Thesis is undertaken for a minimum of three years and comprises a longer portfolio of work or a research thesis (up to 60,000 words). It will involve experimentation and must embody the methodology and results of original research. It should, ideally, be built upon the Work-Based Thesis. It will involve a work-plan developed with your ATP tutor, academic supervisor and employer (if relevant).

About this course


Five to seven years to complete. 13 weeks for one module by distance learning. Three intakes per year (January, May, September).

Contact Time:

The entire programme is delivered online; however students are welcome to schedule live visits with tutors and supervisors as required. Students will complete three taught modules and two work-based research projects, carried out through distance learning and a mixture of live and virtual supervisory meetings.


There are no exams within this programme. Taught modules are assessed via course work and forum discussion. Research is monitored and assessed. The viva is an integral part of the examination of the Part II thesis.

Course Fees:

This programme is restricted to students living or working in Wales until April 2023. Study undertaken before this time, by eligible students, is heavily subsidised. After April 2023 the programme will be opened to a wider audience and standard fees will apply to all students. We regret that advance payments at the subsidised rate are not possible.

Fees are paid on a per module basis before training commences.

Modules September start - 2025

Please note: The modules listed below are those currently intended for delivery during the next academic year and may be subject to change. They are included here to give an indication of how the course is structured.


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Research Methods BDM0120 20


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Behaviour Change BDM8820 20
Controlled Environment Agriculture BDM6220 20
Meat Processing BDM8720 20
Sustainable Supply Systems BDM1120 20
Waste Resource Management BDM1220 20

* Also available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh

Teaching & Learning

We have designed our training to be as accessible as possible, particularly for those in full-time employment. The entire programme is delivered online; however students are welcome to schedule live visits with tutors and supervisors as required.

Each taught module comprises a 13-week distance learning module worth 20 credits and students should anticipate spending 10-15 hours per week studying.

Learning material includes podcast lectures, e-group projects, guided reading, interactive workbooks, and discussion forums, as well as assignments and e-tutorials. Since the training is web-based you will need to have access to a reasonable broadband connection (i.e. can stream videos such as on YouTube), so that you can study where and when best suits you. By re-registering through your student record each year you will have access to e-journals and library resources for the duration of your registration.

The research elements of our qualifications are carried out in your workplace with regular academic supervision. Students should be employed in a relevant sector, and should undertake research which is closely aligned to your work and it is crucial that employers are supportive of both the research aims and the time commitment (10-15 hrs a week) that the proposed research will involve. Whilst the academic focus will be on the completion of an advanced piece of research, embedding this research within the workplace and developing potential opportunities for innovation are equally important.