
Nuffield Scholarship

You are viewing this course for January start 2025

This Postgraduate Certificate at Aberystwyth University is only available to recipients of the Nuffield Farming Scholarship. Nuffield Scholars are drawn from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. They are all employed/self-employed in the agrifood sector or ancillary industries and share a drive to have an impact in their respective fields.

The Nuffield Farming Scholarship funds scholars to travel anywhere in the world for a period of no less than 8 weeks to further their knowledge and understanding of their chosen study topic. On return from their travels, they will submit a written report and present their findings, including recommendations to the relevant industry at the Annual Nuffield Farming Conference.

Typical Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements Current or past Nuffield Scholar

Other Requirements At least 2 years’ relevant experience in the agrifood sector

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Course Overview

This course is entirely online and has been designed in collaboration with the Nuffield Farming Scholarship programme. It aims to support scholars in developing, analysing, writing and presenting academically rigorous projects. The overall aims of the programme are to provide recipients of the Nuffield Scholarship with the skills to:

  • explain the current and future challenges facing the agri-food sector
  • synthesise information from industry and peer-reviewed literature
  • compare the approaches taken to address specific challenges to the industry
  • evaluate the extent to which new approaches and practices might be applied to systems in their home country
  • deliver a high-quality extended report in an appropriate scientific style as well as creating a range of outputs to disseminate research findings to a predominantly non-scientific audience (such as social media posts, press briefing, infographic, blog, policy briefing note).

About this course

Students will be registered for two years.

Students may join the course in January, May or September.

Since only the Project Report (Extended Project) is core to the programme, scholars can choose the level of support they need to write or re-write their Nuffield report in an academic style.

New scholars wishing to participate in the Project Design module will be able to access the initial 2-weeks of this module prior to full registration; namely as soon as their Nuffield Award has been finalised.

Modules September start - 2025

Please note: The modules listed below are those currently intended for delivery during the next academic year and may be subject to change. They are included here to give an indication of how the course is structured.


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Nuffield Scholarship Project Extended Report BDM3320 20


Module Name Module Code Credit Value
Behaviour Change BDM8820 20
Business Management for Rural Entrepreneurs BDM8320 20
Controlled Environment Agriculture BDM6220 20
Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture BDM5820 20
Grassland Systems BDM5120 20
Horticultural Science BDM6920 20
Livestock Health and Welfare BDM5920 20
Livestock Nutrition BDM0320 20
Livestock Production Science BDM5420 20
Low carbon livestock - towards a greener future BDM1520 20
Nuffield Project Data Analysis and Presentation BDM3220 20
Nuffield Project Design BDM3120 20
Plant Breeding BDM8420 20
Silage Science BDM5620 20
Sustainable Supply Systems BDM1120 20
Waste Resource Management BDM1220 20

* Also available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh

Teaching & Learning

There are no exams for this programme. Instead, all assessment is through coursework within each module. This approach helps make the scheme more compatible with the students’ working life.

Students are asked to think about what they have learnt as they progress through each module. In optional modules, this is done by questions and discussion topics in assessed forums and formative reflective tasks. These learning outcomes will be assessed in the core module (Extended Project) through the final report and the dissemination activity.

Although students receive essential and recommended reading lists, to attain merit or distinction students need to show further reading of relevant peer-reviewed literature and provide evidence of this in assessments of independent thinking through critical evaluation.

Student Testimonials

‘I did a lot of research when planning my travels and writing my Nuffield report, but I didn’t really go too far into the academic evidence. Writing the literature review opened my eyes to how much scientific research has been done on my topic around the world and I now plan to share my review with catchment stakeholders in the areas that I work.’ Tim Stephens

‘This might make me sound like a bit of a nerd, but I have really enjoyed the fact that I am now able to have more productive conversations with both academics and members of the aquaculture supply chain. The extra knowledge from the academic reading has made academic contacts more accessible, and I now feel like I am sitting in the middle of the Venn diagram in my field, rather than within one of its circles.’ Aisla Jones